segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2008

▪ Tsunami - Making of

Olá pessoal como minha nobre função é criar capas de DVD para produtos da Discovery Channel, para que meu serviço não se torne algo mecânico e maçante, eu faço o possível para caprichar nas capas tentando alcançar a melhor qualidade dentro dos prazos que temos. Esta eu fiz em dois dias. Comecei numa sexta-feira de tarde e continuei e finalizei numa segunda-feira. Vejam como ficou.

Hi dudes, my function is to design the DVD covers for the Discovery Channel documentaries so, for my job don´t became boring and mechanical I did the possible to care about my covers, trying to reach the better quality in the dead-lines. This cover I took two days to create, started in a friday at afternoon e finished it at monday. See it:

The 1st thing I did was the research about images. In that case I searched for satellite images of the Indonesya accident. The 1st picture was tooked before the tsunami and the 2nd picture was tooked after the tsunami.

After the inicial research I started the creation of the scene that composes the illustration. I modeled a simple landscape with some basic streets:

I tooked some objects from the LightWave content and tweaked it a bit to look like brazilian beach urban style:

Here I choose the base of the vegetation, I modeled two trees using a technique of composition similar to the RPC content and I tooked a coconut from LightWave content too:

Here we can see the little city assembled piece by piece. The final scene is very rich in details. In the 1st and 2nd roll, the group of houses was not hited by the tsunami so this houses are intacts. In the others rolls (3 and 4) I applied some deformations with ROTATE and TWIST trying to simulate some destruction, quite simple:

To create the sea I create a separated scene. The sea is made of a object with subpatch, I use displacement map to deform the sea and create the effect of turbulent waves. The big wave was made with hypervoxels.

1 - Pure native render from LightWave
2 - Clouds are inserted in Photoshop
3 - 1st post production, here the world ends
4 - 2nd post production, clouds and sea received color corrections
5 - 3rd post production, inserted bleach bypass
6 - 4th post production, highlights adjustments
7 - Final image, this image is a sum of all anterior passes.

O tratamento escolhido foi o de No 7.
The post production choosed was number 7.

Abaixo a capa diagramada. Below the Tsunami cover designed.